1. Have A Valid ID Ready: Typically Background Check, you can use your passport, ID card, residency permit, or driver’s license. Verify that your ID is not physically damaged or expired.
2. Use A Working Camera With Decent Internet Connection: If your laptop has a nice camera, it could also work. Simply remove the camera’s cover, clean the lens, and, if at all feasible, use one of your device’s suggested browsers.
3. Be Quick But Don’t Rush: You’ll have around five minutes to provide your ID for identity verification before the session ends, so have it ready. The restriction is there for your safety, not to cause you stress (we promise).
4. Good Lighting Is Essential (For The Participant): Low-quality photographs that are challenging to interpret are produced by dark environments and intense background lighting. Also, take off any headwear that makes it more difficult to recognize you, such as glasses.
5. Take Both Sides Image: Please take pictures of both sides of the ID card, license, or residency permit you’re using to prove your identification. Fear not; we will guide you through it.
6. You And Your ID: Rarely, but on occasion, you can be requested to take a selfie while holding up a copy of your identification. Make sure you and your document are in the picture, in focus, and readable if we do require a selfie for verification.
7. Keep Everything Private: Both the sides, the clients and the service provider must remember to keep every information secret for all the process of background verification.
8. Choose The Right Document Type: Choose the proper ID document type for the verification so that nothing goes wrong right away. Identifying incorrect document types is simple Background Check. You must take pictures of both sides of any ID cards or residence permits you use.